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Business Meeting
Business Meeting

Consultative Selling

Meeting Customer Needs


Businesses have to sell to stay alive. In small businesses in particular (although there's an excellent argument that this is true for businesses of all sizes) everybody is a salesperson. Every time you talk about the business, you're selling it. Every time you talk about a product or a service, you're selling it. And yet, it is the one part of running a small business that fills most people with dread. "I can't sell...I wouldn't know where to start!" Start here:

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This two-day consultative sales programme has been created with you in mind. It's a sales training for people who aren't salespeople. It's for those who never wanted to sell, but have to. It's for small business owners, entrepreneurs, startups and everyone who wants their business to succeed, but doesn't know where to start when it comes to sales. 


It's also for seasoned salespeople. It's for those who love following up a lead, who can't wait to talk about their business and the products and services it offers. It's for those who are confident the minute they walk into a room, that they will close a deal. 


For sales and non-sales people alike, delegates will learn how to develop the face-to-face selling skills needed to promote an open exchange of information and reach mutually beneficial sales outcomes. The programme offers a four step approach that combines the core skills of listening and need identification to build lasting relationships and improve sales performance.

We run open and closed courses for groups of between 12 and 18 delegates. If you're a small business with a team that's big enough to train altogether, ask us about scheduling a closed course. If you'd like to attend an open course with other delegates just like you, check out our upcoming course schedule: 

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